You can always tell what your priorities are by reviewing your checkbook and your daily planner. Where you spend your money and how you use your time, are a fantastic barometer for determining your priorities. It doesn’t really matter what you say or what you think your priorities may be. Those two tools will reveal the “real” you to yourself. I highly suggest you take several minutes after reading this to see if the “real” you is the you that you think you are.
A wounded soldier of Napoleon was given no anesthetic and when those operating on him were probing for the bullet, he remarked, “Be careful, because a little deeper and you will strike my heart, and the emperor is there.” Wow! You don’t have to ask him who is a high priority in his life. You, also, have such allegiances, but you may differ in what exactly is a high priority in your life. The fact remains that you have high priorities in your life.
The question is—how do your priorities align themselves with Scripture? Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment. He quotes from Deuteronomy 6:5, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your might.” In our vernacular this verse means that you are to love God 100% with your total being. Anything less than 100% is not acceptable. Yes, 95% or even 99% is very good, but God wants your “complete” allegiance and devotion.
Take a good look at that checkbook and daily planner and see just how much of a priority God has in your daily activities. Let me warn you. The results of your research may sting a little.
Let’s renew your commitment to the Lord God and put Him back into first place in your life. Remember, it’s a matter of priorities!