A Christmas Child is Born

Tomorrow is Christmas Day.  It is full of families being together, great spreads of mouth-watering food, and of course, opening of Christmas presents.  You find yourself caught up in all the frivolity of the Christmas celebration.  It is a wonderful time.

If you aren’t careful, the real meaning of a Child being born in Bethlehem will be overshadowed by all the hustle-and-bustle of the material things occurring at Christmas.  Yes, Christmas Day is actually Jesus Christ’s birthday.  Take time to reflect upon that cold day in Bethlehem, when Jesus was born.  As you know, the exact day of His birth is uncertain.  That adds to the majesty of the celebration.  It is a historical fact and a biblical fact that Jesus Christ was born.

Take time to let the awe of Christmas sink deep within your soul.  C. S. Lewis was a Bible teacher and deep Christian thinker of the twentieth century.  In describing Christmas, he says this, “The Son of God became the Son of Man so that sons of men may become sons of God.”  Jesus was born to die to make sons of man the sons of God.  Now, that is something to celebrate.

This story of Jesus’ birth is read every Christmas Eve at our home.  We read the Luke 2 passage.  This way we are reminded of the real meaning of the gifts and all the activity that occurs around Christmas Day.

Christmas gives you a sense of bewilderment and excitement as you reflect on the great treasure you have in your life as a result of Christ being born as a baby.  Paul wanting to give praise to God for the birth of Jesus Christ says this in 2 Corinthians 9:15, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”  Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for Your gift of Jesus to us.  For that birth was truly an “indescribable gift!”  At the moment Jesus was born as a child, everything from that moment on and throughout all eternity changed forever.  Happy Birthday Jesus!