Seeing Is Believing

You may not have been born in Missouri, but you could view life through the same glasses.  The philosophy of life to “show me” rings true for many people.  It may apply to you, also.  You may go through life with the seeing is believing attitude.

If the truth be told, the majority of people will not believe something until they see it in action.  This is particularly true when it comes to living out the Christian life here on earth.  Holiness seems to be one of those elusive characteristics.  An unknown person has this to say about holiness, “Holiness vanishes when you talk about it, but becomes gloriously conspicuous when you live it.”  So, to tell others about holiness, it is best done by not using words but by your lifestyle.

You are to live a holy life, as best you can, each day of your life.  As others observe your reactions to life’s trials, they will see God’s holiness lived in their midst.  Scripture teaches you to be holy, “but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16).

Your mandate is clear—you are to be holy.  But how can you accomplish this?  You cannot be holy in and of yourself.  You must lean on the leadership of the Holy Spirit inside you.  Remember, Jesus Christ is your example to follow.  As you study the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit will reveal those areas of life that He wants you to live in holiness.

With the Holy Spirit as your guide and Jesus Christ empowering you to a holy life, you will live a holy life.  Then those around you will see God’s holiness living through you.  After all, seeing is believing.