When you are around Oriental people, you quickly realize that they arrive very early to every appointment. They respect the time of the person they are coming to see; therefore, they do not want that person to wait on them.
With an anticipation of arriving early, you come prepared for the visit at hand. That same mindset was evident in the early church, as thee people anticipated the return of Jesus Christ at any moment. Perhaps this explains their zeal in their evangelical lifestyle. They lived their lives expecting Jesus to return any day.
Jesus warned those He preached to, not to lose heart and be unprepared at His return. Numerous times in the New Testament it mentions Jesus teaching His followers that He could return at any moment.
The father of modern-day Christianity was Martin Luther. God used Luther to remove the chains of traditionalism to free believers to serve Jesus vice the church. When Luther was discussing the return of Christ, he said this, “Live as through Christ died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back again tomorrow.” Be honest. How many Christians in your social network have this attitude? More importantly, do you have this attitude?
You may be thinking to yourself, that the above attitude is good and well for a monk centuries ago, but really not valid for the 21st century. Although this attitude may be culturally sound, Scripture commands a different way of thinking: “You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near” (James 5:8). Anticipating the coming of Christ at any moment is a repeated Bible teaching.
So, like the ant that prepares for food now, prepare your life for the Lord’s return any day now. Listen. Do I hear a trumpet blast right now?