There are several activities in life that require you to put all your energy into it for it to be successful. To remain healthy and fit requires an all-out effort. You cannot make gains physically by only doing it when it is convenient or when you feel like it. It only happens when done on a daily basis. For you to excel in your profession, also, requires consistent daily practice; try telling your boss you did not feel like going to work for several days in a row and see what happens. There are many activities in life which require you full attention on a regular basis.
The Christian life is no exception. For you to have a right relationship with Christ and to live victoriously for Him, requires consistent regular attention on your part. G. K. Chesterton stated it well when he said, “It isn’t that Christianity hasn’t been tried and found wanting. It is that it has been found difficult and so never really tried.” That is exactly why so many people are not Christians. What can be said for why there are so few Christians, can also be said for why so few Christians grow up into maturity in Christ; they find it difficult.
The apostle Paul had one objective in life; to know his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Everything he did was based on his one desire to know his Lord. “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” (Phil. 3:8). To live victoriously in your earthly pilgrimage, you have to live your life totally consumed with the desire to know Jesus Christ.
So, get the very best that this life has to offer by jumping in with both feet and fully immersing yourself in knowing Jesus Christ fully. Let that be your consuming passion in life. Tell the Lord you are going to do that, starting right now.