Honoring Your Shepherd

In days past, the pastor was one of the most respected citizens in town.  He was highly regarded in the community.  The people respected him as a man of God and a leader in their city.

Your pastor is someone whom you should respect and hold in high honor.  The Lord God has selected him above all other believers to be His voice in society.  Your pastor did not become a spokesperson for the Lord because of personal gain or prestige.  He is God’s chosen vessel to proclaim the truth of the Holy Bible in the culture in which he lives.  Vance Havner was a great man of God; he said this when referring to pastors: “If the pastor of the smallest church in North Carolina became the president of the United States, he’d be stepping down.”  That contradicts what many Christians believe today.  The magnitude of the pastor’s role in society today is dim comparted to days gone by.

In the Old Testament priests were highly regarded by every Jew.  The priests and prophets were a significant influence in the daily affairs of Jews.  In the New Testament, the apostles and overseers (pastors) were regarded as chosen men of God to dictate the daily affairs of everyday living and worship.  Scripture attests to this when it states: “It is a trustworthy statement: if any man aspires to the office of overseer, it is a fine work he desires to do” (1 Tim. 3:1).

Let’s forget about bowing to contemporary culture and get back to obeying Scripture.  Your forefathers, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament and throughout history, respected pastors.  Remember, your pastor did not choose that profession; the Lord God selected him for that task.

Start by honoring your shepherd (pastor).  A good way to do this is surprise him, and take him and his wife out for a meal which you pay for.   While eating the meal tell him just how much you love and appreciate him.