You like to live each day of your life when it is free from emotional and mental stress. There are several ways to accomplish this: recite Scripture to yourself, be around positive people, always look for something good in every situation, know every bad situation will in some way be turned into something good by God (Rom. 8:28), just to name a few.
Likewise, your day can be turned upside down or you can make life extremely difficult for someone else. It really is not that hard at all to accomplish this. An unknown author states it clearly when he states: “Though sticks and stones inflict great pain, their hurt will fade away; but just one sharp and biting word, brings harm that comes to stay.” Severe criticism, when experienced over and over in time, often carries with it emotional scars that can last for years.
The Scriptures acknowledge this fact in Proverbs 15:1, “But a harsh word stirs up anger.” Your emotions plummet when harsh, cutting words are said to you. Thus, to avoid conflict with others, you should avoid letting your emotions override your clear thinking and saying words you really don’t mean. Again, Scripture emphasizes this fact. In that same Proverbs verse it states, “A gentle answer turns away wrath.” Thus, to eliminate conflict with others, use positive words not “harsh” words. Again, in the same chapter of Provers, it gives you still further insight into how to avoid conflict with others, “A man has joy in an apt answer, and how delightful is a timely word!” (v. 23). Conflict with others is avoided by an uplifting answer said at the appropriate time.
Yes, “sharp and biting words” bring stress to your life or to other people’s lives. The way to avoid that is to use positive, “delightful words” when communicating with other people. So, to keep from ruining someone’s day, avoid a “sharp or biting word” and substitute a delightful, positive word.