How To Spot A Real Christian

Many Christians do not want to evaluate whether another person is a Christian or unbeliever.  They will say, “I don’t want to judge other people.”  That is biblical not to judge other people.  There is a sense though that the Bible commands believers to evaluate other people so they can discern whether or not they are true followers of Christ or not.  Thus, there is a difference between judging someone and observing their life and how they live it.

Everywhere in life you are evaluated on how well you perform.  In school it is the grades you make on tests and projects you are assigned.  When you get a job, you are evaluated on how well you perform the tasks you do.  Then, why is it that when you come to the Christian life, you do not believe it is your responsibility to evaluate others?  Irwin Federman made a profound statement when he said, “Your job gives you authority.  Your behavior earns you respect.”  Yep, at your secular job you have a certain amount of authority, but the actions you perform are what others look at and gains you your respect, or may I include your lack of respect.

The Lord Jesus tells Christians to observe other’s behavior and evaluate whether or not they are true believers or not.  Jesus said, “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  You will know them by their fruit,” (Matt. 7:15-16).  What Jesus is saying here is that the actions that a person does reveals the true beliefs of that person.  Jesus is also telling believers not to believe everything that a person says just because of some position they hold or how they may look externally.  Jesus says like the old timers used to say, “Your actions speak louder than your words.”

It is true that Christians are not to judge others, but at the same time Jesus Christ commands believers to evaluate what a person says against the way that person lives his/her life.  Look closely at your actions.  Are you a real Christian?