Fighting Father Time

You are a strange breed. When you are a child you just can’t wait to grow older, and when you do get older you wish you were younger. There seems to be no satisfaction in your life when it comes to your age. That being said, the fact that you are getting older is a certainty. In fact, you are older right now than you were when you started reading this blog. Since, you are getting older you need to start taking better care of yourself.

The New Year is here, thus this is a good time to either continue taking good physical and spiritual shape of yourself, or to start doing so. The sooner you put into practice the things you know you need to do, then the sooner you will be able to reap the benefits of it.

In a seminar for senior citizens, a person asked a geriatrics specialist, “When do the signs of old age begin?” The doctor thought for a moment and then answered, “At conception.” Wow! That is so true, so no matter what age you are, you need to start preparing for your old age. The realization that you are getting older second by second should impact you to start preparing now. The sad thought is that so many people do not take care of themselves when they are young and must suffer the consequences for it when they get old. Mickey Mantle had the right attitude in mind when he once said, “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” That statement is full of wisdom; in other words, take care of yourself and start today.

That does not mean that it will be easy or that there will not be several, if not many, hurdles to overcome. The person in the Holy Scriptures that comes to my mind that had the most hurdles to overcome in his life is Job. Job lost everything—his children, his occupation as a livestock farmer, and eventually his health. To make matter worse not only did he lose his health, he suffered physical pain day and night continually for some period of time. Yet, because he was faithful the Lord God, after his time of testing, restored his livestock and his health. The Lord even gave him more children that were the envy of the world around him. At the end of Job’s life, Scripture records, “And Job died, an old man and full of days” (Job 42:17).

Prepare your life physically and spiritually for old age so it can be said of you at your old age, “he/she lived ‘full of days.’”