Putting The Cart Before The Horse

As Americans, we are people of action. If you have heard it once, you have heard it probably a thousand times, “Actions speak louder than words.” That slogan seems to sear your heart and lead you to be a person who lives his/her life by the things you do. In a way, this is a good thing, since more-than-likely more things get done than by taking a non- assertive attitude. But when it comes to spiritual things, it can be devastating. The Lord wants to direct your path and answer your prayers, not by you taking command of your life, but allowing the Lord God to direct your life.

A clergyman walking on the public highway, observed a poor man breaking stones, and kneeling so that he could do it more effectually. Passing him and saluting him he remarked, “Ah, John, I wish I could break the stony hearts of my hearers as easily as you are breaking those stones.” “Perhaps, Pastor,” he said, “You do not work on your knees.” Ouch! In other words, maybe that pastor just did not take prayer seriously. That is your problem. You say you believe in prayer, and that you even practice prayer, but just how well do you make effective prayer a practice in your life? Do you pray as if life itself totally depends upon it?

The Lord Jesus in Matthew 21:22 tells you that if you believe and ask in prayer, then you will receive it. Then in Colossians 4:2 it commands you to, “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.” Yes, this verse in essence is saying pray, pray, and pray, then when you get through with that pray, pray, pray some more. Let prayer be that lifeline between you and God Almighty.

I know you are a person who believes in prayer and maybe even prays on a regular basis, but let’s make prayer an even bigger priority in your life. Getting things done should never come before taking time to pray about that matter. The Lord Jesus waits to hear from you and direct your path through personal interaction in prayer. Talk to your Lord Jesus often, and sometimes you may even want to get on your knees in a worshipful attitude. Getting on your knees and humbling yourself in prayer brings with it a reminder He is the potter, I am the clay. Start today!