A Dying Ministry

You are well aware of the types of ministry that fit well within your personality. These are those things that you just can’t wait to do again. Things like fellowship, fun activities, pot luck meals, more pot luck meals, and having our needs met by fellow believers—to name a few. STOP! Think for a few minutes about how you feel when asked to do some menial task that you feel is below you to perform. Those types of things are what our Lord referred to when He talked to His followers as being servants.

I was recently reminded of this when I read a book entitled Meet Me in the Library by Charles R. Swindoll. He states it this way: “Every act of service demonstrates our love for Christ and our obedience to Him. That’s what faithful servanthood must be” (p. 76). There is no act too small or too menial for you to do. In fact, every act of service to others should be looked at as you being a servant of Christ. Swindoll continues: “To cherish a little child, to care for an aging parent, to speak a gentle word to a struggling neighbor or friend, to carry an arm load of groceries to the car for a stranger: these too, are demonstrations of Christ love.” Yep, we fail to remember that it is those small things that you do on day to day basis that make a BIG difference to someone else and to the world, in general.

You may be thinking that those are good thoughts, but Christ has bigger and better things in store for you to do. Jesus wanted those who follow Him to be involved in each and every care of those around them. Matthew 25:40 speaks volumes to you about that very topic: “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even to the least of them, you did it to Me.”

It is time to swallow your pride and realize there is no task too small to do to others that will not glorify Christ. Not many will follow this servant role, but what you do is all that really matters to you. Let’s become better servants!!!